Fáilte chuig suíomh gréasáin Scoil Fhionnbarra. Is cúis áthais dúinn an suíomh nua seo a sheoladh. Ba mhaith linn go mbeadh pobal na scoile ábalta teacht ar eolas faoin scoil agus imeachtaí na scoile go h-éasca. Tuigtear gur deis iontach dó imoibriú an suíomh seo agus is áis tacaíochta é do dhaltaí, tuismitheoirí agus an pobal go ginearálta. Is áis foghlamtha an suíomh seo inar féidir nascadh a dhéanamh le suíomhanna oideachais eile.

This website is designed to augment the existing dialogue the school has enjoyed with the immediate and broader community initiated by its staff, pupils, parents and sponsors. This healthy relationship has been achieved through the organisation of various educational, creative and sporting activities and events.
The site provides information on its ethos, organisation and policy. However it also offers the possibility to staff, pupils and parents to contribute to and benefit from the information posted on the site. Under the "Fógraí Scoile" section, which is due to be launched shortly, pupils will have the opportunity to show their work. Events organised by the school will be also be documented here and notices of upcoming events will also be published. This is in addition to the school calendar provided to parents and now also available on the site.
Mise le meas,
Fionnuala Ní Chárthaigh